Monday, October 09, 2006

First night in!

Saturday night, internet crashes no updating the blog. What to do? Ok, I could read something (I have half a meter pile of paper from orientations and etc. events) but no, I decided to go to see the common room downstairs. There I met new people from our dorm and they asked me to join them for exploring Tokyo's night life...why not, haven't got anything better to do. :)

Here is our group in Shibuya, ready to rock'n roll...almost, have to eat something first.

Some street musicians, or should I call "street band"..?!

And our group again in small japanese "fast food" place. I can't possibly remember all the names so I give just the countries, starting from left: Finland :), Israel, China (our local guide, not from the dorm), France, USA and Sweden.

We are to many for our guide's car so one taxi is neened.

Taxi just dropp us off by the instructions given our guide...nice, what to do next and most importantly where to go next? We were not given any instructions...

Ok, we wondered around asking people how to get in the Club called "Yellow" most of the people seemed to know the place but only few how to get there. Even with the instructions it was almost impossible to find the place. We were looking the place from area of couble block for 40 min. without any trace of that place. But then on third time passing the same alley, Israel (guys real name is Israel and he is comming from Israel but studying in Milan, Italy) shout to us from one door. The club was behind this brown steel door and two levels below the ground level. We entered the club even it was quite expensive (4000 yens for males). Everybody was searched very carefully by big doormens before entering the place.

Ok, all the pics from the club are missing 'cause I left my camera with my jacket in the locker. Swed guy took lots of pictures with his tiny sony, so I'll be giving some pictures as soon I can get those pics from him. In the club there was house party. First house party for was good, but I still prefer rock and punk. It was totally full and shirts were kept wet whole time.

Hee, and I thought that Japan is one of the safest city in the whole earth. In one point when I was standing in a queue to bar, there came two (small) japanese boys to pick up a fight. Another crasped my shoulder while another was speaking and accussing me of cutting the line. I wasn't definitely cutting the line 'cause had standed there few minutes already in a same place. So, I just remained calm and told the guys that this is my place in the queue and I'm not going to give it to you, no matter what are you saying. The guy started threating and calling me a white boy and so on... I just told him that right now threating is not taking you anywhere. Told the another guy to release the crasp and ignored the guys (Definitely not going to start a fight on a first night in far have survived whole my life without fights on outside of the ring). After a while they got tired and went away.

Oops, when we came out from the club the sun had risen already...nice.

We started to walk to the closest subway station. We had no idea where it was but that didn't stop us to try. Met one finnish girl on our way, who joined with her friend to walk with us. Finally I could pay back to the French guy who met at least 10 French in Roppongi area and spoke always just french. It was nice to speak some finnish in Tokyo. After 50 min. walk decided to take the taxi, which we should have taken in a first place. Taxi took us to the Shibuya station where I took train to home while others stayed behind to eat a breakfast. I had to take a quick shower and eat breakfast and head right away to meet Inga in one metro station. We were going to do some sightseeing on that day.

All the streets are full of vending machines, mostly with you see here two competing machines next to each other.


Anonymous said...

Eli onks noi muut ulkomaanelävät töissä samassa lafkassa ku sä tai insinöörejä muuten vaan vai kenties jotain ihan muita tyyppejä? Hauskalta kuulostaa meno anyway :)

Samu said...

ei ku samast dormiksest...eli insinöörjä tai siis tulevia joka tapaukses. Ja kuinkas ollakkaan Israel on yllätys yllätys arkkari! Aina mä törmään arkkareihin näil vaan taitaa olla noin keskimäärin niin hyvii tyyppei sitte :)

Hee, Israelin kans lähetään joulukuus kattoo K1:n finaalit Tokio Doomille. Vähä COOLIAA