Friday, June 27, 2008


On my way to school now but still feeling super relaxed. Went to a onsen with Tommi yesterday. First time after the operation. Onsen and sauna, two heavenly invention...

Wanna plan ahead your toilet visit?

Here many things are organised quite high level. A map which was found from next to toilet entrance.

Monday, June 23, 2008

new paper

This month's issue (vol. 37, no.6), page 638.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

50 inch TV

Our landlord called us today and ask if would like to have TV. We could get it for free if just go there and carry it ourselves. BIG surprise was waiting us there. Now we can see the olympics and maybe we have to buy playstation now...

Our new TV, 50 inch.

Friday, June 13, 2008

This is the start...

Did 20 min. extremely light jogging this morning. All concentration for whole 20 minutes was needed to try to put weight equally between left and right leg. I still try to protect the lefty while walking. The right leg is getting much stronger and bigger. Time to start to catch up with left. Lots of one leg squats from today on!

Yep, yesterday was the check-up day again in my hospital. This time doctor Tashiro didn't even bother to measure the size difference between left and right leg. Let's just say that it's bigger than last time. Bending angle had grown only 10 degrees now being 120 deg. This didn't make doctor or fysiotherapist too happy so from now on 2x20min. bend streching excercise every day (double amount compared to earlier). I asked permission to start REALLY heavy squatting program (introduced in a book called "Super Squats") but Nawa-sensei suggested to give the knee one more month. The new ligament gets stronger and flexibility increases (so that I can reach the safety bars, if needed).

Visit to hospital still made my day, as usually, 'cause got the permission to start (light) jogging. So early wake ups are back!! ;D

Giants vs. Lions

Went to see Giants vs. Lions baseball game on last Sunday. Had to wait until 8th round to see first run...and home run. Our home team beat the Lions from Saitama 4-0. It's great to live in Tokyo. Now I can go to see Giant's games more often and the best is that they play in Tokyo Dome. Even hard rain doesn't bother...

After the game we (me, Tommi, my visitors from Finland Satu and Marika, Fujita, Janny, Sebastian, Tomoe, Yuki and Kent) went to have dinner in Turkish restaurant. It was nice to catch up with the people who I haven't met for a while.

Friday, June 06, 2008


So far I've managed to keep two plates of pasta and two bananas inside.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

It's me again

Around 6:30am this morning it started. Strong vomiting and hard diarrhea. Watery stuff comming out from both ends of my body almost simunteniously. Luckily got timing right and our toilet's interior decoration did not change.

After 3h I had lost over 2kg of my normal morning bodyweight. So it was time to go to a hospital. 38.4 degree C fever when I arrived. Got two bags of infusion liquid into my body and a bag of antibiotics and other medicine. Have now 4 pills to take 3 times a day for next 3 days. Hope the bug in my stomach dies.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

busy, long days

Huaaaaah. Once again on way home half sleeping. Had the flow experience hitting today so that ate lunch at 8pm. (breakfast 10am.). Time just dissappears on days like this. Cool thing is that work really progresses... ;D

Btw, did squatting without the knee brace at the gym. 40 kg max. learning to steps, baby steps.