Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, now it's officially over here! (^_^)/ Master's degree in Engineering says the paper they gave me.

Now on my way back to the lab to finish some experiments before packing my stuff. 2 weeks trip to Finland now ahead. Next month I'll be back to the land of rising sun for 3 more months. So this blog got also 3 months extenssion.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Once again...antibiotics.

Sore throat. I mean REALLY sore. Hurting like hell when trying to swallow food. No temperature or any other symptoms...only sore throat. Went to see doctor this morning. As you might guess, doctor looked into my throat and immediately prescribed antibiotics. In and out - 2 minutes and I was walking to pharmacy. Hope it helps. Thought to take it easy today and stay at home (=movie day). :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

New inhabitants of our campus :)

One of the campus cats seems to have raised a family during the summer. Super cute kittens were playing near to our building this morning. The red one is bravest. Together we were stairing eachothers and the ants running around the ground separating us. :)

Ice cream kiosk

Japanese style ice cream kiosk...(workers don't need know how to count or handle money: there is a ticket machine where you have to purchase the ticket for your ice cream)

Back to Japanese breakfast

In the hospital they served always fish at breakfast. Already then I was thinking that I should add that to my breakfast. Now I did. Got also that cool grilling plate which alouds me to grill when using gas stove. Now I just need to take care that there is always fresh fish in the house...

What else going in my life right now...? Have been awaking 6:00am EVERY morning since I returned from Finland (which is quite accomplishment 'cause there have been 2 weekends). And still smiling every day. Also I'm preparing for returning Finland, not only mentally but also, physically by going to the lab at early morning and leaving after 8 hours work (Tai Chi days are exceptions...on those days go to lab a bit later;).

Friday, September 05, 2008

Running again

At the last visit to doctor 2 weeks ago I got the permission to start running again. I tried slightly 2 months ago but the knee didn't like it. Now it should be ok and was even encouraged to do it as a part of rehabilitation process now.

I bought new shoes and started morning joggs. Easy start and only light 15-20 min. jogg every morning. Thought to add 5 min. more every week. The aim is to be able to run 3 x 20 km every week. Let's say that before I leave Japan.

Quick visit

Saw short glimbse of my home country last weekend. Thu & Fri participated to EVA's junior fellowship meeting in Helsinki. Super interesting presentations on those days given by well known Finns from fields of economics, politics and art.

Sat & Sun spent relaxing in a summer cottage with my friends. Naturally forgot my camera home so no pictures from this trip.

On Monday flew back here...should I say 'home', for next 4 months. Although I'll be back to Finland soon. At the end of this month will go to see my family in Kuopio. Has been while since ate mom's cookings...

Oh, have to mention one more thing. When I left from Helsinki-Vantaa the temperature was +9 and when I arrived to Osaka it was +29!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Sun rise at mt.Fuji

Conditions at mt. Fuji were like this. The picture taken from the top. When we arrived to the top it started to rain a bit. Temperature was around zero. After changing dry clothes we started comming down. First thing to do after we finally returned to the small town, where the train would take us back home, we dipped in to a hot bath for an hour or so. It felt heavenly after torturing our bodies for whole night and morning.

After returning home slept 15 straight and went to relaxing Tai Chi class. I think that my guests slept even longer... :)

Time to conquer Mt. Fuji!

Ok, this comes late but no worries...better late than never. The day was Friday 22nd of August

Today we'll start climbing the mountain with Miika & Maikku. Now on our way to the 5th station (2400m). Hope that we have more luck from now on. We jumped in wrong train and ended up in a train going 1.5 hours non-stop. Had to take train back for 45 min. from the first stop. Now we are late from the last bus to the 5th climbing we have to figure out someway to get there. Anyway next posting will be the rising sun!

2 months and it's test time!

Went to my 2 monthly knee check on 21st of August. Doctor was happy with the progress. The diameter of left tight had grown 4 cm. Right had grown 3 cm so left is slowly cathing up in size. 1 leg squat is starting to work. The difference is still 4 cm (51cm vs. 47cm) so lots of work left to do. Next check up is the day for power test for left leg. 16th of Oct. will be important day, it'll determine if I'm aloud to start training judo. The power of left leg should be at least 80% of the right leg to pass the exam. Left leg will go trough hard training for next 2 months.

Beach again

On Wednesday 20th of August it was time to give some tan to Miika and Maikku. We head to the Zushi beach. Took the electric pump of blowable guest-matrice with us and filled my water toy on the way to beach in the train (learnt recently that there is an electric socket in every car). The beach was fun as ever! Together we build the biggest sand-casttle of the whole beach.

Paradise island

Shikinejima was perfect place for relaxing! Water was so clear that it felt like snorkling in aquarium. There were corals and colorful fish straight from "Finding Nemo". After swimming, floating and snorkling for whole day we dipped in to the outdoor onsen. Full relaxation. After giving back the rental bicycle and having dinner at our ryokan I was dead-tired. I layed down for a second on my futon. Following morning I recovered concious. After breakfast it was time to head back to port and take the boat back home. Had to be back by evening to welcome my next visitors Miika and Maikku.