Sunday, April 27, 2008

Visiting day

Yesterday was surely different than others so far. Had visitors for more than half of the day. Time passed like flying! First Mrs. Sawa from school's gym came to check how I feel. She was really worried for long time before I even came to hospital. Now she doesn't need to worry so much any more. She saw me doing fine and soon I'll be back to the gym for training. She filled my stomach at the hospital's cafe and brought me a BIG box of fruits. No need to suffer from hunger anymore. :D

Right after Sawa-san came Fujita and Janny. I think we were talking hours like it would have been just 5 minutes. Don't see my dear friends that often... Fujita brought me the time table of Yomiuri Giants and seems that next opportunity to go to see baseball here in Tokyo will be at the beginning of June. Time to finally go to see my new favourite team playing. \(^_^)/

David joined us at some point of early evening and waited even after my dinner (which I ate in 10 min). After dinner we played a game of Go. He beat me 140-0. But the game is still great! Some day I'll beat David in this least if I get 9 stone handicap. ;D

Went to sleep around 11pm. and slept without painkillers until 2:30am. when woke up stomach empty...Made stomach and knee happy by eating fruits, a cake and a painkiller. Read adventures of Viktor Karppa for hour or so and fell a deep sleep. This morning nurses were worried about my sleeping 'cause they saw me fully awake still at 3am. Told them not to worry...but almost slept over today's lunch. ;)

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