Friday, April 18, 2008

10th floor

Recently I realised why my spirit is so high and I'm smiling all the time no matter the lack of sleep and the pain in my knee. It's because of our floor in this hospital. Even all the physiotherapist agreed when I asked that 10th floor has unbelievable positive energy floating around the floor and radiating from all its inhabitants whem they go elsewhere.

Its because of the people here. Everybody has so high spirit, no matter if it's rainy or sunny day. Everybody is so nice to each other and smiling all the time. This boat is really rowed to the same direction by everyone!

All day long old and young people chatting while sitting in wheelchairs or leaning to sticks around the corridors of this floor...except breakfast, lunch and dinner times when warm chatting fills our dinner space. Everybody who is cabable to eat while sitting and able to move their butts enough gathers into our dining space to have meals together.

Wish I could collect some of this positive energy here and take it with me when I leave. But you can bet that I'm enjoying this a lot every day! :D

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