Sunday, April 20, 2008

1st Weekend

Technically second but had holiday on last one. Time passed really fast, training, reading (now "Bushido" finished already "Alchemist"), sleeping and watching movies. Sleeping and movies should change the place in timetable and everything would be perfect...

Got visitors on both days. Antti came yesterday and Seiko and Akiko left while ago.

Just finished a small farewell party for Mrs. Yamaoka, aka coutch, one of the sunshines of the floor. Wonder who is going to get Club ACL moving on next weekend?! :D Got invited to the party when passing the room driving my chair.

Ate delicious yakinikutori meal before official dinner with my neighbour Akira-san and his wife (she brought the meal). It was soooo good. Even the hospital food is delicious, it is still hospital food. :) Akira came here on Friday and will go to knee operation tomorrow. Really nice fellow and speaks good english.

Ok, better go to bed and try if could sleep a bit more than last night. Feeling hungry already.


Unknown said...


Seems you are `Enjoying` your stay at the hospital. Great! According to the photos you took, you are recovering so fast.Amazing!

Remember we will visit you this Sat. Looking forward to seeing you soon~ Take care!

Fujita & Janny

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm giving comment on behalf of Samuli because he can not use internet on the hospital. So Samuli said that he remember (at least now) that you guys are comming to visit, so please welcome :) Samuli can not disappear from there for the next couple of weeks ;)