Sunday, November 19, 2006

Half marathon

Early wake up this morning, sun wasn't even risen when I woke up 05:30. Felt a bit like in Finlad at winter time, wake up when it's still dark. But even though I slept only 5 and half hours I didn't feel tired at all. The day was finally here. It was time to test my body with half marathon. It took place in Kawasaki. The goal was to survive trough all the 21 kilometers and smile at the finish.

I had to register in the morning 'cause the pre-registration time had already gone when Fujita asked me to join to the event.

Fujita preparing for the run with our personal assistant Janny. :)

Friends ready for the run.

And last minutes middle of the other runners...(damn, I should piss)...just when we were about to start had urgent need to urinate, but too late now.


2.00.59, we finished the run exactly with same time. It was nice to run together. Time was passing much faster when we were chatting. Race was over before you even noticed. :)

And the smile at the finish.

Nice experience! Can't wait to get to participate next one. Maybe few of these before the real one...just to study this thing how to survive. Right now I have two major problems:

1) I had to stop to piss after 3 km (and it was a long felt like it's not going to end ever) and second stop wasn't far away, luckilly I could hold it. And you must drink during the run.

2) I was REALLY hungry when we finished. Never would be able to run another 21 km with empty stomach. How to fill my stomach without throwing up during the first half? Maybe have to take those gel energy things (saw someone eating it today).

Next time (maybe on February) the goal is to go under 2 hours. Feel quite good now. Only my right knee is hurting a bit. Had the same problem few years ago when tried to start jogging in Helsinki. Hope that it won't stop me running more. This is FUN! Like sports where you can really push your body to the edge... ;)

Ok, time to relax by going to sento (artificial onsen) which I learnt to be located quite near to our dormitory. But first need to get my bicycle from the Fujigaoka station...who told me to forget it there.

1 comment:

Matti said...

*Puuh* Hiki tuli jo pelkästään lukiessa ja kuvia katsellessa ;)
Kyllä on mennyt aika hyvin töissä kun oon lukenut mitä kaikkee jannu touhuaa siellä Japanissa.