Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Busy week

More than week has passed since last post. Sorry about that. I can only defend my self by saying the obviuos: "I've been hell busy". Doing what? Can't even remember anymore. But last week I didn't leave lab before midnight in any of the days. Luckilly Thursday was a public holiday. Ok, and here you have some pictures from my phone.

One morning, some time ago, I witnessed morning work out of construction workers. Nice, this way they keep fit and I bet less injuries in this building site that the one with out morning streching. :)

Problems with ATM?...no worries, just take a picture and ask translation from your tutors and next time you master it well. ;P

High pressure machine from our lab. My sample in the midle will feel 5000 times atmospheric pressure when those anvils starts to press it. Not too many machines like this in whole earth.

Noodle cup serving me good as a sample holder when heating my samples... ;)

Yesterday morning it was raining heavily and this kitten was talking me while taking my bicycle to go university. I was in a hurry but always some time to chat with "kawaii" kittens. She said that it's too cold and wet. I agreed. Told her to go home next to the radiator wait the sunny day. When I jumped to my bike I was even more in a hurry. The day of Weekly Meeting, better not to be late.

Today at lunch I took this small things to my salad. Hot as HELL. No wonder they were served from so small plate...

And let's see...what has happened last week except hard working in lab. BTW, "hard" doesn't mean anything negative. Now I'm working in a place doing things I've been dreaming since the very first chemistry lesson of mine.

Welcomming party for international students was held in our campus (Yeye! didn't need to go far far away, Ookayama;). Lots of food, beer and wine. Only enjoyed the first one. Oh, so party must have been before half marathon... On Thursday my legs were somehow recovered from running (now I know what is waiting me in old age...damn that walking can be hard). So, I headed for a whole day Krav-Maga seminar. Good trainings (a bit soft for what I have got used to in Finland and Hungary) and especially nice to meet new people.

Saturday I would describe quite effectively used day. Woke up 6 am. bicycled to lab. Started some long measurements (over 15 h) and write few lines for my this week's presentation. Took train to Shibuya where I met Fujita and Janny. We headed to Mt. Takao. Walked till the top (like few hundred other people also on that day) to eat lunch and enjoy colorful autum view. Saw Mt. Fuji first time in my life! Next summer the top of Fuji-san in my goal. After comming down more trecking styled route we took train to Shinjuku. Visited 100 yen shop (guess who owns now sake bowl for atsukan! ;). Shop where you can find almost anything between heaven and earth and only with 100 yen! We were dying hungry, so time for dinner. Went to eat "chapu-chapu". Once again new experience. Cook your own food with boiling water and eat as much as you can with in 90 minutes (1890 yen). One of my favourite places from now on. :) When returning home made one last stop in Aobadai (next station to the home station Fujigaoka) and had a drink of sake with my new australian friend who I met week ago. Maybe two a clock I finally dropped to my bed and fell a sleep in micro second.

Next morning woke up with out alarm clock and headed to krav-maga gym before noon. After 1 hour sweating (they really have physical trainings here) headed again to my lab. More measurements and making of the presentation till midnight (dead-line for sending it to professor Monday 6 pm.). On Monday I gave the last touch for pp-slides and sent it at 5:53 pm.

And yes, camera was with me in Mt. Takao trip, so some pictures will appear in near future. Now it's time to eat and study a bit before hugging my lovely pillow for next 7 hours.

Oh, almost forgot, I was today so energetic that went to BIG shopping mall one station behind our campus and bought two pair of shoes. Did I tell you that my shoes went broken something like 3 weeks ago? Ok, I had my hiking boots and running shoes, so haven’t been really in a hurry with this matter. But finally it was time. Got my suit from Finland (Million thanks mom!) and it needed shoes to accompany it. And next week suit will be worn first time here in Japan when it’s Finland’s Independence Day 6th of December. Once again got change to participate party in embassy (last year the same thing in Budapest).

Didn’t writing of this post’s took so long that our incredible internet connection was lost from our dormitory...nice. Wednesday shall it then be when you get this one.


Hansku said...

Odotan itsenäisyyspäivän juhlien jälkeistä postausta..! :)jospa muistat miksi.

Samu said...

Hee-e, SE saakin tulikasteensa jo muutamaa tuntia ennen juhlia. Huomenna iltapäivällä pidettävä eka kunnon virallinen esitelmä koko laitokselle. Kaikki master-1 opiskelijat joutuu pitää esitelmän tutkimus aiheestaan. Ainoo vaan et muut on alottanu hommansa tääl jo viime huhtikuus ja meikä ollu vasta 2 kk.

Kuinkahan saan sen solmun tehtyä?...pitänee pyytää joltain apua asuntolas...ooh, tai nää kaverithan tääl labras osaa varmasti kans.