Sunday, January 06, 2008

Let the work begin

Tomorrow it's time to start working again. Friday I went to lab for the first time since I arrived. Mostly organising stuff and etc. Yesterday we went out of town and relaxed one day in onsen. Weather in Hakone was perfect. Unfortunately I forgot to download the pictures from Vitaly, who is on his way to Moscow right now.

Got this from near to a temple. I'm supposed to paint one eye for him after I start my PhD studies (after they have accepted me in HUT) and the second after I finish it someday. So I'll be carrying this guy with me the following years... (^_^)b

My work station for office work for this year...hopefully I'll be spending most of the time in the lab...haha.

I downloaded lots of pictures from my cellphone today and I'll posting them here when ever I have time...some catch up what has happened at the busy end of last year.


Hansku said...

Onneksi olkoon dippainssille! Missasin juhlat kaiken kiireen keskellä.. väitöstilaisuutta en missaa!

Täällä on lunta, jopa Suomen Turussa! Uskomattoman kiva fiilis, vielä kun pääsis vaikka rinteeseen.. mutta velvollisuudet ensin, joten opiskelen ruotsia!

Samu said...

Kiitoksia! Niin, täytyy nyt tehdä toi väikkäri et kaikki jotka missas noi bileet ni saa toisen mahdollisuuden...kolmatta tilaisuutta ei tuu...tai itseasiassa valmistun syksyllä täälki et siin on viel paikka päästä valmistujaisbileisiin. ;D

Joko kävit pyöräyttää lumiukon? Tai haastaa naapurit lumisotaan..?!

Anonymous said...

So you've decided to go on a PhD, and I'm sure you'll make it!:-)

達磨(だるま)must be a good luckycharm for ya. Soon you'll need to draw both pupils.


Samu said...