Sunday, December 07, 2008

K1 one more time

One last chance to see the K1-finals while I'm still here. Out of 3 last year's tournaments this was the best by far. So much electricity in most of the fights! Bet that every body got what they asked for their money. Excellent tournament!

Only minus was that in the final match Badr Hari "the Golden Boy" totally lost himself and kicked to the head his opponent who was already down. So unatheletic move that he was disqualified. It was a shame 'cause he had good chances to win the fight and become a champion. And everybody wanted to see these really skilled guys fight for the title. Hope he learnt his lesson and fights for the championship belt next year.

This years champion is Remy Bojansky.


Hチェッカー said...


グリー said...
