Monday, August 06, 2007

Rain season is over

Finally updated some old posts which were waiting to be posted. They can be found by scrolling down or by clicking following links:



Now the weather is perfect. Rain season is finally over and temperature outside more than 30 Celsius. Today I'll get my cellphone back (it was broken and had to take it to the shop which sold it). Also fixed my laptop. Changed the hard drive by myself last week. You can't even imagine how much I sweat out of pure excitement...quite expensive machine to break. Everything went well. Souichiro-san was supervising the process.

Two week's ago we went to hanabi (firework) festival or something. Every weekend is full of fetivals around Tokyo these days and they do many times BIG fireworks. This one was in Asakusa and they shot totally 22 000 fireworks to the sky. Heheh, unfortunately no pictures of fireworks but I think everybody can imagine that amount of fireworks on the sky, magnificent! Instead few pictures of happy people having fun that night. Last night that Timo and Outi (Aho;) were here.

Mölkky is an excellent game for waiting the commming dark and fireworks...

A bit crowded. These happenings are popular around here.

Happy festival people.

Ulkosuomalaiset Tommi ja meikä...oops, did I wrote Finnish...

And like most of parties in Japan, this also ended up in Karaoke.

What Saturday climbing again on Mt Fuji. From this point 5 weeks time to finish my thesis and also should find an apartment before September. Most importantly finally back to judo training schedule (at least 2 times a week) and it feels damn good. Stress level is considerably lower and staying like matter what. I'll have my summer holidays at the end of the September (totally 10 days including weekends and one public holiday).

Movies are coming here much later than Europe and US. Last weekend we got finally the Transformers!!!! The makers of that movie are genius!


kasi said...

kivalta näyttää :)

Onks diili se että sä teet ekaks thesiksen ja sit alat opiskelemaan vai mitä?! :P

Kuukauden päästä tokioon \o/

Tuttu naama muuten tolla kaverilla yukatassa. Varmaan ainakin TKK:n erasmuksen saunabileissä oon nähny.

Samu said...

No oiski tollanen diili...kaikki samaan aikaan vaan. Siis TKK:lle kirjotan dippaa just nyte. ;D

Just ehdin muute muuttaa asuntolast alta pois mut pistä viestii ku oot samalla saarella. ;P

Tommihan se siin yukatassa.