Sunday, January 20, 2008

MRI and Nightwish

On Thursday I went to show my knee to an orthopaedist. Walking (and even running) is ok but still there seems to be somenthing wrong. He send me right away to take MRI-pictures. Cool machine...quite strong magnet there...almost took my belt. Hehe, the nurse there told me to empty my pockets but didn't tell me to take of the belt. At least it gave me some picture of the power which we are dealing with in this machine. After 3 nights I'll here what is wrong with my knee. Hopefully only ligament (faster healing) and not the meniscus.

On Friday night we went to see Nightwish playing here in Tokyo. The gig was GREAAAT. Anette really rocks!! Hehe, but you can only try to imagine what happened when she happened to mention that the Marco's vodka bottle on the stage was swedish...haha. (>_<)/

Nightwish in Liquid room, Ebisu, Tokyo.

After party in a familiar rock bar in Shinjuku was quite an...-better not tell more...lets just say that still hurting upstairs-


Paula said...

apuah, en ehi lukia sun blogia ikina :/ saat sitte kertoo mita kuuluu kun me tullaan! Tullaan 15.2, nii et muistakin olla vastassa! :D Tai ainaki Tokiossa.. hih. Saat kortin joskus..

Samu said...

Heh, täytyyhän sitä olla jotain tekemist sulle sit tuleville pimeille talvi-illoille. ;P

Jep, täytyy merkata toi 15. päivä kalenteriin et osaa olla maisemis...ihan ku mä johonki oisin lähdös. Etteköhän työ löydä kentältä tähän kaupunkiin...sentään suurin kaupunki koko saarel. ;)

Anonymous said...


I forgot about this one ;_;