Sumo...cell phone pic isn't so good quality, so please see others from earlier posts...nothing was changed. ;P
Last fight, where this tournament's only yokozuna (highest ranking guy, there can be only two at the same time) beat his opponent, I was watching one leg between the door. After seeing the unlucky opponent fall down from the ring I started run like Forest Gump. Judo training was going to be on the other side of the city. With running in every place where I could (had to change train for 5 times) I was 'only' 20 minutes late.
Running was good warm up, so no problems to join others. Only later had to pay the price of busy day. No time for proper meals on whole day and not drinking enough on a hot day (not to mention those two cups of sake sipped in the tournament). Of course couldn't listen my body during the fights, before...both calf muscles were cramping so BAD that the pain dropped me down and it took lots of cold-spray and massaging to get muscles relax.
...btw, my fights were going better than in whole summer. Finally the resting starts to show some effects. Heavy working is bad for the hobbies...actually it is bad for everything...but isn't this quite obvious. Many times, in life, have to take some lessons for few times...mostly hard way.
Takabayashi-sensei and his happy student.
Have to mention that my sensei is incredible in judo and especially in teaching it. We don't have common language for speaking but that's not needed for teaching/learning judo (...although it could help;). As it can be seen from the results.
Ok, now I take a rest from the thesis, lab, studying, school, blog, internet, email and this computer. After 9 days I'll be back. Sayonara.
Mitäh, sumoturnaus loppu jo? Damn. Mukava lueskella toisenkin Tokio-vaihtarin juttuja...Blogilistalle iso kiitos:)
No tammikuus sit seuraava Tokios taas (^_^)b
Missä koulus oot vaihtarina? Kuinka pitkä komennus nousevan auringon maassa?
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